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Subject: Re: Profits for freelance work.
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Dave Thomas writes:
>As far as freelancing goes, I'd like to know where all the jobs are. I
>keep hearing 3D animators are in short supply, especially here in LA.
>I've been animating for five years, have worked on a lot of different
>projects, written a bunch of magazine articles on the subject, and can't
>find a job to save my life. Are animators in short supply, or is it
>animators who will work for no money (I can find plenty of these jobs)
>that people are looking for?
>Dave Thomas
Halleleujia! (sp?) You have no idea how refreshing it is to hear
that somebody besides me is not wallowing in moola.
I have a good little business, but half my income comes from gaffing
commmercials and industrials. The animation side is the other half.
Big projects don't seems as plentiful as we are led to believe.
(Please, nobody pop my bubble.....:^)
>Kim Thomas <kdthomas@netcom.com> sent this message.